Friday, August 17, 2012


How do you discover your life’s purpose?  What would even motivate you to do so?  Why would a person who has been successful in Real Estate for 33 years, like myself, switch fields and become a Life Coach?  I thought that the field of Real Estate, which had been so good to me for so long, was my passion.  It wasn’t until I discovered Life Coaching at age 59 that I found my real passion.  It is never too late. 

All of us are called to do something special with the gifts we’ve been given.  “Do not waste your life in doubts and fears,” advised Ralph Waldo Emerson.  I would add “Do not become an extension of someone else’s fear.”  Even if your best friends do not want to take the risk of finding their passion, don’t hold yourself back.

Self-knowledge does not come by you just thinking about what you are meant to do in life, but through trial and error.  By testing yourself against the adversities in your life, you get to learn and know yourself.  Goethe said “Try to do your duty and you will soon find out what you are.”  Fulfilling the work before you is an opportunity for you to grow in your capacity to do more.

It was through all the experiences I had in Real Estate and the adversity of a difficult life challenge that led me to Coaching.  My motto became “helping others to become the best they can be.”  At first, I didn’t want others to have to go through all of the trials and tribulations I had.  Yet, I realize that those adversities have made me a better person.

For example, I always wanted to have kids so I could teach them about life.  Ironically, my 3 children have taught me way more about life than I could ever teach them.  Losing control of them at ages 15, 14 and 8; it took me eight years to regain their trust.  From that I have been able to help others who have had to go through a similar adversity.

How has adversity affected your life? With my experience and passion for coaching, I can assist you seeing that the darkest spot in your life can become the brightest.

Friday, April 15, 2011


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